Comprehensive Speech and Language Assessments

A comprehensive speech language evaluation gives a baseline and uses formal and informal data to reveal patterns or deficits in any areas of communication.
The most common assessment areas for pediatric speech and language evaluations may include but are not limited to things like:
Language learning deficits
Auditory processing
Motor planning for speech sound production
Social language
Adult assessment addresses any adult speech / language related diagnosis or disorder, for example, receptive and expressive language / cognitive function, adult ADD/ADHD, traumatic brain injury, cerebral vascular accidents, dysphagia, dementia and or dysfluency.
The sole purpose of a speech language comprehensive evaluation is to establish a baseline and or gather information that formally measures communication strengths and helps to reveal patterns of any areas of communication deficit. Speech Language Pathologist’s (SLP’s) utilize case history information, standardized testing measures and informal data collection to support or, when necessary, in lieu of formal test scores.
The “soul” purpose of my comprehensive speech and language evaluation, however, is to get as close as possible to uncovering the root cause.
That is exactly why the cornerstone of all that I do Speech Pathology has its foundation in extraordinary diagnostics including Functional Diagnostic Nutrition with Health Integrity through Empowerment in Nutritional Diagnostics (HI-END).
A superbill can be issued upon request for insurance reimbursement of a Comprehensive Speech Language Assessment.
Nutritional Assessment using Functional Lab Work
Comprehensive Speech and Language Assessments
Speech Language Therapy Treatment Consultation – Pediatric and Adult